
Metaphilosophy is the study of the nature of philosophy, says the [entry fon the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy]( > ... three very general metaphilosophical questions are > * (1) What is philosophy? > * (2) What is, or what should be, the point of philosophy? > * (3) How should one do philosophy? > Those questions resolve into a host of more specific meta­philosophical conundra, some of which are as follows. > * Is philosophy a process or a product? What kind of knowledge can philosophy attain? > * How should one understand philosophical disagreement? > * Is philosophy historical in some special or deep way? > * Should philosophy make us better people? Happier people? > * Is philosophy political? > * What method(s) and types of evidence suit philosophy? > * How should philosophy be written (presuming it should be written at all)? > * Is philosophy, in some sense, over-- or should it be? [editorial paragraphing added]

With some historical perspective, [classifications of metaphilosophies]( by the aims of luminaries within the branches include: * [Analytic Metaphilosophy]( * [Pragmatism, Neopragmatism, and Post-Analytic Philosophy]( * [Continental Metaphilosophy](

Metaphilosophy is related to, and may be confused with metaphysics.